Friday, June 21, 2013

The Failure of Self-Correcting Mechanisms

Homeostasis: the tendency to move toward equilibrium. Glide straight into place, achieve balance.
I long for interpersonal homeostasis. For our two beings to strive for that steady footing that our individual bodies have mastered so effortlessly. Can not our hearts and our souls master that sense of evenness and stability which is innate in our flesh and bones?

You'll supply what I lack. 
When you falter I'll step up.

If only it were so simple.

This osmosis of love and affection - it exists in the mind of a child whose body works tirelessly on tasks and small missions through her arteries and vessels, never failing to correct an imbalance or mend a scar. But when I try to mend your scars, I am slashed with recalcitrance which my body cannot heal.  No homeostasis. Only hurt.

This osmosis of love and affection - when you feel empty I will give you love; when you feel lonely I will give you warmth; when you are lost, I'll earnestly impart whatever direction I can. Emotional transactions take time.  My alms to you will not be supplanted as quickly as my body gives my thirsty cells water.

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