Sunday, April 22, 2007

Our Current State

I was talking with this guy Dallas the other day, a 9/11 Truther. He was talking about how 9/11 really fucked him up. Emotionally, psychologically and all that jazz... And how he had this idea molded by observations made throughout his entire life of how the world worked, how people operated under certain conditions, and the role of government in light of all of it. All of that changed after 9/11 when it became clear that this was the catalyzing event revolving around lies and cover-ups and games in a time where our liberties are being restrained rather than advocated. He's twenty-five. I was nine when 9/11 happened. It made me think... I didn't undergo such a pivotal experience where I had to shift the way I viewed the world and transform my mindset which maintained that my government was benevolent into something darker and more realistic. It was just the world I was brought into. Two thoughts came to mind: This fact could mean that all the other kids apart of my generation will be automatically immune to the atrocities of the world in which we live, because they know of nothing else and don't have a vision of a more idealistic yet attainable society of which we as a whole can help shape and be a part. It saddens me. To know nothing else than to be a sleeping pawn and be satisfied with it. A life where ignorance really is bliss. Or: We will learn to sharpen our spears from a young age, and learn where to target them. I'm striving every day to create the latter.