Wednesday, March 24, 2010


I'm pretty fucking disgusted. I have to say, overall my Living Skills class is kind of a bullshit class, and I'm only taking it because I need to graduate, but occasionally some thought-provoking information comes up. Today we watched this video called "Generation M" (with the M standing for misogyny) and while some of us are trying to pay attention to the commentary on the rampant hyper-sexualization of women in today's society, the Abercrombie-dwelling fuckwits next to me are glued to their Cosmos and Seventeens, giggling and gossiping without any regard to the absolute IRONY that they are bringing to the situation. Now, I'm not saying anyone ever died from reading a 21st century fashion magazine... but wait, that's sort of true. Is it really surprising that 95% of eating disorders are experienced by women and girls when everywhere we turn is laced with idealized beauty and, in my opinion, fucking classless objectivization of females? Honestly, those godawful Carl's Jr. ads? Like you're really going to stay that hot if you eat that greasy hormone ridden filth all the time.
In one part of the documentary, they played a clip of one of Eminem's songs, "Kim." Now, I used to really dig Eminem. Before my conversion to the faith of Punk Rock, I was a big fan of rap. But when you hear lyrics like "Sit down bitch, move again and I'll beat the shit out of you" and "Come on, we're going for a ride, bitch, while I'm in front you'll be in the trunk," it's fucking revolting.
But people in my class started LAUGHING. How the fuck is this funny?
This is when I lost it.
One of my closest friends killed herself one year ago because she was physically abused so bad, she didn't know what else to do. The look of desperation that I saw in her eyes just 2 days before she committed suicide was probably one of the most haunting images that I'm never ever going to forget.
Everyone really needs to step it up. I honestly don't care about your "stay in the kitchen" jokes but if you ever see someone disrespecting a woman for no good reason, stop it.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

It's amazing how much things can change.

Perhaps the best quality of life is that we all have the potential for change. We don't always have control over our circumstances, and sometimes it feels like our thoughts and actions never amount to the outcome we've hoped for.
But living without faith - faith in our potential to change - will amount to the most dismal existence of all.
For a while there I think I had forgotten what happiness felt like. I forgot the warmth of self-assurance and the bliss of optimism.
All it takes is a small reminder to reiterate our beautiful capacity to refocus our direction and change our mentality. Change is the most amazing thing we have.

Hello, I am a song.

I'm not a typical piece of music. Most songs are prerecorded and then eternally bound into a compact disc, forever stagnated in digital form. What makes me special is that I constantly rewrite myself. My artist blessed me with the ability to erase the parts I dont like and enter in new content that better suits my vision. I'm always modifying, never committed to a static existence.

I was not signed to a major label, so I don't get a lot of attention. It's okay though because once and a while someone hears me and I get the sense that I made them think or they enjoyed my tune.
When I started out as just a little tiny song, I didn't have a lot to say. My artist supplied me with a bit of content, but as the years went on, I started to build myself up, amending and rewriting until I felt confident that I was ready for my listeners.
I like being a song. I don't think I'd ever want to be a human; people seem strange to me.

I've spent so much time organizing the zeros and ones embedded into my configuration, making sure that I sound exactly how I want to sound, fine tuning my bass, strengthening my drums, making my lyrics as meaningful as possible. Honest, I make an earnest attempt to make my message, my sound, and my impact valuable. I couldn't tell you why people pass me by in the stores and refuse to hear my story.

I doubt that humans put as much effort into being thoughtful like me. I doubt that human beings try as hard to evoke meaning into the lives of others, like I try to.

Everyone can know what they're going to get when they hear my sound byte. I am a safe investment. I can't say the same about people.