Thursday, August 16, 2012


Wretched. Dirty. Foolish. You've used your lungs for everything but breathing.
Purge this from your system
and discontinue this feeble attempt at a life.
This love affair of yours once brought you calm,
providing for you a close to authentic companionship
and you were inseparable.
A lifelong commitment between parasite and host
destined for glory.

Face it, you fell hard - but for a mere palliative
delicately designing your own grave. 
Cease construction; cut your losses.
Resign yourself from this crippling dalliance and
say goodbye. Abandonment is the only answer. 
Reach---reach deep down and discover your willpower
and then cling to it. Bond with it
like those coffin nails used to bond with your lips.

How utterly puzzling that the emptiest of affinities--
the most hollow of liaisons--
can bring us the warmest comfort 
and extract from us the truest, most tender affection.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Animal Rights Filtered Through Sartre

Is it ethical to inflict deliberate harm on a conscious, feeling creature? Does the benefit produced play a role in justifying the pain inflicted?

The philosophy of Jean Paul Sartre makes navigating through these complex questions more lucid. Sartre's "singular universal" principle explicates the notion that every exertion of our personal freedom has a universal dimension to it; thus, whenever faced with a choice of whether to respect the autonomy of or to inflict cruelty on a non-human animal, Sartre's principle, I feel, urges us to consider the ramifications of exerting dominion over another living being, as the universal implications of a single infringement on the rights of a living creature are far-reaching.

Sartre's "singular universal" principle could not be more pertinent to the issue of animal cruelty. The principle prescribes that in making a choice, we affirm the "rightness" of that course of action. Humans, as volitional beings, have a magnificent capacity to envision our lives the way we would like them to be, and we have the potential to change our situation for the better. Before all of this can take place, though, we must accept responsibility for ourselves and our choices. Sartre insists that we have not defined our character until we commit ourselves to a conscious course of action. The ethics of authenticity, in essence, denotes that we are the authors of our lives. That said, it is of utmost importance to consider the magnitude and implications of every choice we make, specifically with regard to the propagation of the dominion over other sentient creatures.

Interestingly, Sartre remarked that people unthinkingly distract themselves with habits and routines, as living consciously and deliberately is often a challenging task. What makes this way of living perhaps more difficult is the fact that as more meat is consumed, people become more distant from farming operations, so, arguably, it requires more effort to remain aware of where our meat comes from. Indeed, once in a while there is a landmark event which forces open the collective eyes of the population. Exploiting animals for entertainment is a centuries-long phenomenon, and yet the issue finally received the attention it deserved upon Michael Vick's dogfighting charges. The Hallmark Meat Company/Westland scandal led to Proposition 2 on California's 2008 ballot initiative (which, effective in 2015, will give factory farmed animals the right to stretch their limbs, stand up, and turn around). In light of the myriad distractions and obligations of modern society, the assignment of maintaining full awareness and consciousness in all our endeavors, although seemingly infeasible, could not be more urgent.  Sartre champions the notion of living life as if we are leading by example - or as if other people will be taking recommendations from us, stating, "for every man, everything happens as if all mankind had its eyes fixed on him and were guiding itself by what he does.” The tremendous nature of this responsibility necessitates that citizens take further steps to deliberate upon the ethics of their decisions with regard to animal welfare. If an individual, upon learning that the United States raises and kills ten billion animals a year in massive, industrial factory farms, continues to consume meat, he or she is neglecting their  responsibility to change the course of society for the better. If that individual continues to consume meat, he or she is affirming the rightness in allowing an animal to writhe and squeal and to experience something aversive to its nature.

Existentialism's first responsibility is to "make every man aware of what he is and to make the full responsibility of his existence rest on him.” Compounding this sentiment with the "singular universal" principle leads to the postulate that man must understand how the progression of both his life and the world, in effect, rest on him. Therefore, if the propagation of dominionism - the notion that things only exist for our benefit - has been seen to affect society deleteriously, man's obligation is to forge personal endeavors to cease his participation in such practices. The idea that animals are commodities with only extrinsic or conditional value has not only caused undue suffering to innumerable creatures, but has percolated into mankind's abuses against nature as a whole. In according every sentient being the right not to be treated as a resource, we take part in thwarting the injurious process of self-glorification which directly leads to the exploitation of everything non-human. A practical example of implementing such ethics is as follows: an individual has a choice to purchase wheat and soy based meat facsimiles, in vitro tested cosmetics, synthetic fiber for clothing, and so on, with no sacrifice to his or her quality of life. The conscious decision to invest in such products sends a message to the involved industries, competing industries, and future prospective buyers that it is ethically offensive to exploit animals even if there exists an economic benefit to humans; it issues a declaration that it is morally reprehensible for animals with cognitive, attitudinal, sensory, and volitional capacities to be abused simply because they are seen as intellectually less endowed or less autonomous. Thus, the individual successfully adheres to the "singular universal" in playing his or her respective role in shaping society, resulting from the determination to make conscious, engaged decisions.

In rejecting the exploitations of non-human animals, we recognize and act upon the need to abandon our prejudicial paradigms. Mankind's speciesist abuse of animals has directly coincided with our anthropocentric abuses toward once majestic landscapes, as well as the rest of nature. Therefore, in exercising more ethically sound actions toward non-human animals, we make a positive, beneficial use of the "singular universal" principle, as distorted moral relationships toward animals percolate and transcend into distorted, harmful relationships toward other sectors of the world. Many animals, like humans, feel pain, pleasure, remember the past, anticipate the future, and act intentionally to secure what they want in the present. It is our duty to treat them with respect, as, perhaps, in according dignity and reverence to creatures and landscapes which were here before mankind, respect instead of exploitation will become the norm for inter-species relationships, interpersonal relationships, and man's relationship with the environment.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012


I've always been fond of alternative, Eastern medicines, as well as the power of yoga and prayer to heal, both mentally and physically. In recent years I've become a strong proponent of the notion that all remedies, all joy, all epiphanies, and all solutions to all problems lie in Nature. To see or to feel the validation of this sentiment gives me such a high in the most spiritual sense. Whether to alleviate a mental or emotional affliction (such as going outside for a stroll to cure the blues) or to treat a physical ailment with a whole foods, plant based diet, every day I become more sure that the Natural world, in all its splendor, harbors everything for which we could ever ask.

I've touched upon this in some of my earlier postings pertaining to Thoreau and Walden, but it's no surprise that depression is becoming more rampant, and presenting itself earlier and earlier, as people become more insular and technology more pervasive. Modern amenities certainly have their time and place, and I am no advocate of total resignation from these 21st century fixtures, but to strike a balance between being the global citizen of our contemporary age and harnessing that primal animal who craves fresh air and tacitly longs to connect with nature would be an ideal pursuit.

I recently read that not only do apples lower cholesterol and benefit our lungs and colon, but they assist us neurologically, too, by preventing dementia. The earliest mentions of pickled cucumber appear in the legend of Gilgamesh! If you think about it, eating more natural foods is not only away to healthily nurture your body - your vessel - but it is a wholesome way to connect with our history as a species.

"Without health life is not life; it is only a state of langour and suffering - an image of death. To keep the body in good health is a duty... otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear." -Buddha

Monday, August 6, 2012


Spinning, slowly, ceaselessly spinning.
This dance of repetition -
less an art form as it is a bleak portrayal of mere functionality.
How dismal to be reduced to a function - a single task, but,
how sinfully glorious to be designated a life of mediocrity.
I cannot leap, so I cannot fall. Cannot fail.


We pivot, slowly, consistently on a path not our own.
A journey is something we will never know,
never live,
never breathe -
for a journey recalls the joy of choice and the thrill of conscious endeavor.
We just spin.

We rotate, turning but never changing, never hastening toward a different scenery where life exists apart from chains and bounds, gears and numbing, jejune mechanics.

I can inhale the scent of independence lurking around the corner,
I can almost feel the warmth from that glimmering prospect of wandering, of deliverance, of uncertainty -
of twirling about in my own waltz in which I am both conductor and star.


I ache for collision. For some disruption. This array of cycles makes one unfathomably sick.